Saturday, December 19, 2009
Worlds Coolest Dog & Cat Show
Check it out at:
Monday, November 9, 2009
Worlds coolest dog
Nani is entered in the Worlds coolest dog contest.
Vote for her!
Monday, October 12, 2009
Surf City Dog Surfing Competition
Nani Competed in the 'Shredders' division of the first annual Surf City Surf Dog Competition on Sunday, October 11, 2009. They had heats for 'Grommets' (Beginners) in small dogs, medium dogs, large dogs and extra large dogs as well as heats for 'Shredders' (experienced dogs).
Nani won second place in the Shredders final with the first place going to San Diego Dog Surfing Association 'SurFur' team mate Abbie G and team mate Dozer taking third place. Check out the News Report from Channel 7 in
You can also see more video at http// at:
Check it out!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Surf Dogs Calendar
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Helen Woodward Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon
Nani competed Sunday in the 4th annual Helen Woodward Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon.
She won first place in her heat with 122 points. (Next closest was 79) She went on to compete in the finals but did not place. We did however raised some money for the Hellen Woodward Animal Center and had a great time. The Entire San Diego Dog Surfing team did great with 8 of the 10 finalist! Ricochet took 2nd place and Dozer took third.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Nani Surfing OB
Go to:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
San Diego Dog Surfing Association donates to the Coronado Fire Department
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Dog Surfing Competion on ESPN
Monday, July 20, 2009
Helen Woodward Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon

We need your help to raise some money for the Helen Woodward Animal Center.
We have entered Nani in the Dog Surfing Competition to benefit their organization. Last year she won first place in the extra large dog division and second place over all! See poster attached! That’s Nani in the upper right hand corner!
You can go to this link to donate: Donate $1.00, $2.00 $5.00, $10.00, $25.00 or ??? for each wave Nani Surfs. (Nani will catch 5 in the 20 minutes they allow us. Just make a lump sum donation in the box over the thermometer.)
Your gift is tax deductible to the extent allowed by the law. Helen Woodward Animal Center is a registered 501(c)3 organization.
Here is their web site if you would like more information about the event or the Helen Woodward Animal Center:
Here’s a link to a short video a friend made of her at last years competition:
You can learn more about Nani on her Blog at:
Come and watch more than 50 dogs of all sizes and breeds at Dog Beach in Del Mar on September 13 from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm!
We really, really appreciate your donation!
Peter & Gabi Noll, Nani and Kiki!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Nani on NPR
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Nani Wins Big at 'SurfinPaws' Dog Surfing Competition!

Nani competed in the first annual SurfinPaws Dog Surfing Competition in Huntington Beach, California, on Saturday July 11. More than 40 dogs brave large waves with a really strong cross current to establish this year’s best surfing dog.
Nani won first place in the large dog division and the silver bowl as Grand Champion over all! Check out the video on the Orange County Register's website at:
Other San Diego dogs won as well. Toby (a Shih-Tzu)won second place in the small dog division. Abby G (an Australian Kelpie) won second place in the medium dog division. Dozer (an English Bulldog) won best wipeout! Stanley (a Chesapeake Bay Retriever) won for longest ride! All the San Diego Dogs performed much better than all the other dogs including Ricochet, Kalani and King (Golden Retrievers) as well as Guido and Kona.
Next event is the Helen Woodward Dog Surf-A-thon on September 11 at Dog Beach in Del Mar.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Dog Surfing Competition
The Schedule for viewing the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge is:
Saturday, July 25, 2009 - 2:00 to 3:00 pm - ESPN
Saturday, August 1, 2009 - 1:30 to 2:30 pm - ESPN
Sunday, November 15, 2009 - 1:30 to 2:30 pm - ESPN2
Sunday, December 13, 2009 - 1:00 to 2:00 pm - ESPN2
Sunday, January 3, 2010 - 3:00 to 4:00 pm - ESPN2
Sunday, January 3, 2010 - 4:00 to 5:00 pm - ESPN2
Check out the Video at:
Monday, June 29, 2009
Hunington Beach River Mouth
Great photos and video!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Loews Surf Dog Competition
Nani surfed in the Loews Surf Dog Competition on Saturday, June 20, 2009 in
You can see a short video of her on You Tube at:
I uploaded some photos my son Matt took at the event on our Flickr site at:
She was wearing a Doggie Life Vest (safety first) that my sister modified with a wild fabric and ruffles, so it was clear she was a girl!
You can see a great slide show of the event at:
There were reporters and news crews from all over the world.
Gabi was interviewed by a news crew from a TV station in
I was interviewed by a news crew from a TV station in
Nani was on the front page on the San Diego Union Tribune on Sunday Morning. You can see the article at:
Gabi's sister lives in
If we lived in the mountains, she’d be pulling a cart, but alas…we live in southern
What’s a Berner to do? Why Surf of course!
She Loves it! She really does!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Dog Surfing Competition
My son took a few photos at the Purina Incredible Dog Challenge Surf Dog Competition in Ocean Beach on Friday, June 12, 2009. I picked a few out and put them up on Flickr. Go to:
Click on one of the photos, then click on the little projection screen on the right. This will go into a slide show. Enjoy!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Purina Incredible Dog Challenge-Surf Dog Competition
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Nani filmed by Fox5 News
Saturday, May 23, 2009
If you haven't seen them, check them out!
Short one of Nani at last years Helen Woodward Surf Dog, Surf-A-Thon:
Yet another short shot of Nani at the Surf-A-Thon:
Way cool one of Nani at last years Surf-A-Thon: (by Rene Bruce)
Nani surfing for the Surf Dog Calendar. (See's on one of the Post Cards) (by Eric Janson)
Nani Surf Diva:
Nani Surfing With Kia:
Friday, May 22, 2009
Busy Summer
Nani will participate in the Purina® Incredible Dog Challenge - Western Regional - Surf Competition at Dog Beach in Ocean Beach on June 13th, 2009. Come Check it out! This is the first time a Dog Surfing Event has been added to the Purina® Incredible Dog Challenge Series. This will appear on ESPN later in the year.
She will also participate in the Loew's Surf Dog Competition on June 20th, 2009. Proceeds from this event benefit the Loews Coronado Bay Resort's Good Neighbor Partner, Modest Needs Foundation. Go to: for more information. Come participate or just come to cheer on Nani!
On June 11th, 2009 she will go up to Hunington Beach to participate in the Surfing Paws Dog Jam. This will be an incredible event that benefits the Orange County SPCA. There will be a Red Carpet Awards Event after the Contest at the Waterfront Hilton. For more information go to:
(Rene Bruce (he organized this event) is using video of Nani surfing with his dog Kia on this web site to promote the Dog Surfing event. Way Cool!)
She not done yet....
On September 13, 2009 Nani will again participate in the 4th annual Helen Woodward Surf Dog Surf-A-Thon that benefits the Helen Woodward Animal Center. This event will help raise awareness and money for orphaned pets while promoting responsible pet ownership.
This is a must see event!
Purina® Incredible Dog Challenge
This is a new event for the Purina Dog Challenge series and will be televised some time in the future on ESPN.
Surf Calendar
Every year a surf Dog Calendar, Post Cards and Note Cards are put together to benifit animal charities.
Go to :
Nani is one of the most popular note cards. They are available at:
Imperial Beach by the Sea Gifts - 862 Seacoast Dr.
Earth, Wind & Sea - Orange Ave; Coronado
Postal Annex - Orange Ave. Coronado
Rite-Aid - Orange Ave; Coronado
Hotel Del Coronado - Set Sail
Old Town Market - Dog Booth
World Famous Dog Wash - Ocean Beach
Surf Diva - La Jolla Shores
Scripps Green Gift Shop - N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla
Hansen's - Encinitas
The Grateful Dog - Pacific Coast Hwy. Encinitas/Leucadia
Queen Eileen's - Pacific Coast Hwy. Encinitas
Offshore Surf Shop - Coast Hwy. Carlsbad
At an early age, Nani was diagnosed with hip dysplasia.
Several Veterinarians and orthopedic specialist were consulted
Some suggested various surgical procedures and some suggested various medications. Still others suggested various physical therapies.
In the end, we decided we would try swimming.
We took Nani to Mission Bay. The idea was that I would paddle my kayak and Nani would swim behind. Problem was, Nani would be crying the entire time. I would pull onto the beach and Nani would jump into the kayak. So I ended up paddling her around the bay. The other dogs got wind of this and before you knew it, I was paddling three dogs around the bay. Clearly this was not going to work. (I was getting in shape, but this was never the plan)
So I tried swimming out 50 yards or so from the beach and tread water waiting for. (Nani wasn’t far behind) Problem was, she was crying the entire time. I think she thought I was drowning. So I would hold on the nap of her neck and Nani would pull me back to the beach. This would be repeated a half dozen times. This turned out to be a pretty good workout.
When I would go surf Kayaking, Nani would run back and forth on the beach, you guessed it, crying the entire time. One time the kayak came back to the beach with out me (this happened more than once) and Nani jumped in. So, I pushed her out into the surf. I pushed her into a wave and she sat there like Cleopatra all the way to the beach.
A close friend witness this curious behavior. She told us about a surfing contest for dogs (The Helen Woodward Surf-A-Thon) and suggested that we sign Nani up. I thought she was nuts and didn’t give it much thought again. About six months later she called me to remind me that the surfing contest was coming up in two weeks and wondered if I was going to enter Nani. We decided we would take her to dog beach in Del Mar that weekend to she if she could surf. I had a $99.00 foam top surf board I purchased at Costco to teach our friends children visiting from Germany.
I swear, this is the honest truth. I walked out into the water with Nani close behind. I set the surfboard down in the shallow water and Nani jump right up onto the surfboard. I pushed her out through a few waves, turn her around and pushed her into a small wave.
She rode that wave all the way to the beach. We could not believe it! We tried again and she did it again. When we got home, we signed her up for the surfing contest.
The day of the contest was a typically beautiful sunny San Diego day. We entered Nani in the xtra large dog division. She won first place (a gold metal) in her weight group and moved on to compete in the finals. She won second place (a silver metal) over all. Not bad for two weekends of practice. Don’t forget, she has hip dysplasia.
Since then, we’ve taken her several more times just for fun. She loves it!
When she hears the sound of the Velcro of my board shorts, she goes nuts, She starts crying, jumping up and down, barking and starts nosing me towards the car. This doesn’t stop until she’s on the board in the water.
I can’t tell you how many times people have come up to us to say it made their day to watch her surf. She regularly draws a crowd.
We don’t make her do this. If she didn’t want to do it, we would not force her.
I'm always watching her and am close by to be sure she’s o.k.
Nobody should force their dog to do anything they don’t want to do.
There’s a better than average chance if you go to Dog Beach in Del Mar on any sunny weekend, you’ll see this very happy Bernese Mountain Dog surfing. If this doesn’t make you smile, nothing will!